Friday, April 27, 2012


Pesan Roh Kepada Manusia

Apabila roh keluar dari jasad, ia akan berkata-kata dan seluruh isi alam sama ada di langit atau bumi akan mendengarnya kecuali jin dan manusia.
Apabila mayat dimandikan, lalu roh berkata : “Wahai orang yang memandikan, aku minta kepadamu kerana Allah untuk melepaskan pakaianku dengan perlahan-lahan sebab pada saat ini aku beristirahat daripada seretan malaikat maut”.

Selepas itu, mayat pula bersuara sambil merayu : “Wahai orang yang memandikan, janganlah engkau menuangkan airmu dalam keadaan panas. Begitu juga jangan menuangnya dengan air yang dingin kerana tubuhku terbakar apabila terlepasnya roh dari tubuh”.
Apabila dimandikan, roh sekali lagi merayu :”Demi Allah, wahai orang yang memandikan jangan engkau menggosok aku dengan kuat sebab tubuhku luka-luka dengan keluarnya roh”.
Setelah dimandi dan dikafankan, telapak kaki mayat diikat dan ia pun memanggil-manggil dan berpesan lagi supaya jangan diikat terlalu kuat serta mengafani kepalanya kerana ingin melihat wajahnya sendiri, anak-anak, isteri atau suami buat kali terakhir kerana tidak dapat melihat lagi sampai Hari Kiamat.
Sebaik keluar dari rumah lalu ia berpesan : “Demi Allah, wahai jemaahku, aku telah meniggalkan isteriku menjadi Balu. Maka janganlah kamu menyakitinya.Anak-anakku telah menjadi yatim dan janganlah kalian Menyakiti mereka. Sesungguhnya pada hari itu aku telah keluar dari rumahku dan aku tidak akan dapat kembali kepada mereka buat selama-lamanya”.
Sesudah mayat diletakkan pada pengusung, sekali lagi diserunya kepada jemaah supaya jangan mempercepatkan mayatnya ke kubur selagi belum mendengar suara anak-anak dan sanak saudara buat kali terakhir.
Sesudah dibawa dan melangkah sebanyak tiga langkah dari rumah, roh pula berpesan: “Wahai Kekasihku, wahai saudaraku dan wahai anak-anakku, jangan kamu diperdaya dunia sebagaimana ia memperdayakan aku dan janganlah kamu lalai ketika ini sebagaimana ia melalaikan aku”.
“Sesungguhnya aku tinggalkan apa yang aku telah aku kumpulkan untuk warisku dan sedikitpun mereka tidak mahu menanggung kesalahanku”.
“Adapun didunia, Allah menghisab aku, padahal kamu berasa senang dengan keduniaan. Dan mereka juga tidak mahu mendoakan aku”.
Ada satu riwayat drp Abi Qalabah mengenai mimpi beliau yang melihat kubur pecah. Lalu mayat-mayat itu keluar dari duduk di tepi kubur masing-masing. Bagaimanapun tidak seorang pun ada tanda-tanda memperolehi nur di muka mereka.
Dalam mimpi itu, Abi Qalabah dapat melihat jirannya juga dalam keadaan yang sama. Lalu dia bertanya kepada mayat jirannya mengenai ketiadaan nur itu.
Maka mayat itu menjawab: “Sesungguhnya bagi mereka yang memperolehi nur adalah kerana petunjuk drpd anak-anak dan teman-teman. Sebaliknya aku mempunyai anak-anak yang tidak soleh dan tidak pernah mendoakan aku”.
Setelah mendengar jawapan mayat itu, Abi Qalabah pun terjaga.
Pada malam itu juga dia memanggil anak jirannya dan menceritakan apa yang dilihatnya dalam mimpi mengenai bapa mereka. Mendengar keadaan itu, anak-anak jiran itu berjanji di hadapan Abi Qalabah akan mendoa dan bersedekah untuk bapanya.
Seterusnya tidak lama selepas itu, Abi Qalabah sekali lagi bermimpi melihat jirannya. Bagaimanapun kali ini jirannya sudah ada nur dimukanya dan kelihatan lebih terang daripada matahari.
Baginda Rasullullah S.A.W berkata:
“Apabila telah sampai ajal seseorang itu maka akan masuklah satu kumpulan malaikat ke dalam lubang-lubang kecil dalam badan dan kemudian mereka menarik rohnya melalui kedua-dua telapak kakinya sehingga sampai kelutut.
Setelah itu datang pula sekumpulan malaikat yang lain masuk menarik roh dari lutut hingga sampai ke perut dan kemudiannya mereka keluar. Datang lagi satu kumpulan malaikat yang lain masuk dan menarik rohnya dari perut hingga sampai ke dada dan kemudiannya mereka keluar.
Dan akhir sekali datang lagi satu kumpulan malaikat masuk dan menarik roh dari dadanya hingga sampai ke kerongkong dan itulah yang dikatakan saat nazak orang itu.”
Sambung Rasullullah S.A.W. lagi:
“Kalau orang yang nazak itu orang yang beriman, maka malaikat Jibrail A.S. akan menebarkan sayapnya yang di sebelah kanan sehingga orang yang nazak itu dapat melihat kedudukannya di syurga.
Apabila orang yang beriman itu melihat syurga, maka dia akan lupa kepada orang yang berada di sekelilinginya. Ini adalah kerana sangat rindunya pada syurga dan melihat terus pandangannya kepada sayap Jibrail A.S.
“Kalau orang yang nazak itu orang munafik, maka Jibrail A.S. akan menebarkan sayap di sebelahkiri. Maka orang yang nazak tu dapat melihat kedudukannya di neraka dan dalam masa itu orang itu tidak lagi melihat orang di sekelilinginya. Ini adalah kerana terlalu takutnya apabila melihat neraka yang akan menjadi tempat tinggalnya.
Dari sebuah hadis bahawa apabila Allah S.W.T. menghendaki seorang mukmin itu dicabut nyawanya maka datanglah malaikat maut.
Apabila malaikat maut hendak mencabut roh orang mukmin itu dari arah mulut maka keluarlah zikir dari mulut orang mukmin itu dengan berkata: “Tidak ada jalan bagimu mencabut rohorang ini melalui jalan ini kerana orang ini sentiasa menjadikan lidahnya berzikir kepada Allah S.W.T.”
Setelah malaikat maut mendengar penjelasan itu, maka dia pun kembali kepada Allah S.W.T.dan menjelaskan apa yang diucapkan oleh lidah orang mukmin itu.
Lalu Allah S.W.T. berfirman yang bermaksud: “Wahai malaikat maut, kamu cabutlah ruhnya dari arah lain.”
Sebaik saja malaikat maut mendapat perintah Allah S.W.T. maka malaikat maut pun cuba mencabut roh orang mukmin dari arah tangan.
Tapi keluarlah sedekah dari arah tangan orang mukmin itu, keluarlah usapan kepala anak-anak yatim dan keluar penulisan ilmu.
Maka berkata tangan: Tidak ada jalan bagimu untuk mencabut roh orang mukmin dariarah ini, tangan ini telah mengeluarkan sedekah, tangan ini mengusap kepala anak-anak yatim dan tangan ini menulis ilmu pengetahuan.”
Oleh kerana malaikat maut gagal untuk mencabut roh orang mukmin dari arah tangan maka malaikat maut cuba pula dari arah kaki. Malangnya malaikat maut juga gagal melakukan sebab kaki berkata: Tidak ada jalan bagimu dari arah ini Kerana kaki ini sentiasa berjalan berulang alik mengerjakan solat dengan berjemaah dan kaki ini juga berjalan enghadiri majlis-majlis ilmu.”
Apabila gagal malaikat maut,mencabut roh orang mukmin dari arah kaki, maka malaikat maut cuba pula dari arah telinga. Sebaik saja malaikat maut menghampiri telinga maka telinga pun berkata: “Tidak ada jalan bagimu dari arah ini kerana telinga ini sentiasa mendengar bacaan Al-Quran dan zikir.”
Akhir sekali malaikat maut cuba mencabut orang mukmin dari arah mata tetapi baru saja hendak menghampiri mata maka berkata mata: “Tidak ada jalan bagimu dari arah ini sebab mata ini sentiasa melihat beberapa mushaf dan kitab-kitab dan mata ini sentiasa menangis kerana takutkan Allah.”
Setelah gagal maka malaikat maut kembali kepada Allah S.W.T. Kemudian Allah S.W.T. berfirman yang bermaksud:”Wahai malaikatKu, tulis AsmaKu ditelapak tanganmu dan tunjukkan kepada roh orang yang beriman itu.”
Sebaik saja mendapat perintah Allah S.W.T. maka malaikat maut menghampiri roh orang itu dan menunjukkan Asma Allah S.W.T. Sebaik saja melihat Asma Allah dan cintanya kepada Allah S.W.T maka keluarlah roh tersebut dari arah mulut dengan tenang.
Abu Bakar R.A. telah ditanya tentang kemana roh pergi setelah ia keluar dari jasad. Maka berkata Abu Bakar R.A: “Roh itu menuju ketujuh tempat:-
1. Roh para Nabi dan utusan menuju ke Syurga Adnin.
2. Roh para ulama menuju ke Syurga Firdaus.
3. Roh mereka yang berbahagia menuju ke Syurga Illiyyina.
4. Roh para shuhada berterbangan seperti burung di syurga mengikut kehendak mereka.
5. Roh para mukmin yang berdosa akan tergantung di udara tidak di bumi dan tidak di langit sampai hari kiamat.
6. Roh anak-anak orang yang beriman akan berada di gunung dari minyak misik.
7. Roh orang-orang kafir akan berada dalam neraka Sijjin, mereka diseksa berserta jasadnya hingga sampai hari Kiamat.”
Telah bersabda Rasullullah S.A.W: Tiga kelompok manusia yang akan dijabat tangannya oleh para malaikat pada hari mereka keluar dari kuburnya:-
1. Orang-orang yang mati syahid.
2. Orang-orang yang mengerjakan solat malam dalam bulan ramadhan.
3. Orang berpuasa di hari Arafah.
Sekian untuk ingatan kita bersama.
Kalau rajin. Tolong sebarkan kisah ini kepada saudara Islam yang lain. Ilmu yang bermanfaat ialah salah satu amal yang berkekalan bagi orang yang mengajarnya meskipun dia sudah mati.
Sila panjangkan kisah ini kepada semua saudara islam kita.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Before You Approve His Wedding Proposal

Sebelum aku terima nikahnya :

1. Relationship with Allah                                                                
2. Sembahyang                                                                                   
3. Menutup Aurat                                                                              
4. Cintai Ilmu                                                                                     
5. Manfaat Org Lain                                                                         
6. Akhlak                                                                                            

"Do Not Fall In Love With The One Who Does Not Love Allah, If They Can Leave Allah, They Will Leave You" - Imam Syafie

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Ampunkan kami Ya Allah10 sebab-sebab doa tidak diperkenankan oleh Allah  

1. Kita mengaku mengenali Allah tetapi tidak pernah menunaikan akan hak-hakNya dengan melaksanakan segala surahan-Nya serta meninggalkan segala larangan-Nya. 

2. Kita mengakui menyintai Rasulullah tetapi tidak pernah sekali pun mengikuti sunnahnya.

 3. Kita mengakui bahawasyaitan itu adalah musuh yang paling ketat tetapi masih patuh dan mengikuti segala hasutannya. 

4. Kita sering membaca kitab suci Al-Quran tetapi tidak pernah mengamalkan segala isi kandungnya. 

5. Kita sentiasa berdoa supaya dijauhkan dari seksaan api neraka tetapi dalam masa yang sama kita masih melakukan maksiat dan dosa.

 6. Kita sering mengumpat dan mendedahkan keaiban saudara seagama kita tetapi tidak pernah melihat kepada keaiban sendiri. 

7. Setiap hari kita mendapat nikmat dan rezeki yang Allah beri tetapi tidak pernah sekalipun mahu bersyukur dan berterima kasih kepada-Nya. 

8. Kita mengiringi dan mengebumikan jeazah di perkuburan tetapi tidak pernah mahu mengambil iktibar dari kematian itu. 

9. Kita tahu dan yakin bahawa kematian itu pasti berlaku tetapi tidak membuat persiapan untuk menuju ke sana.

10. Kita sentiasa berdoa supaya dimasukkan ke dalam syurga dan

ditempatkan bersama orang-rorang soleh tetapi tidak pernah berusaha



Sunday, April 1, 2012




-Perceive Opportunities In Destinations Such As Western Europe And North America Impel Numerous Migrants, Legal And Illegal, To Cross The Mediterranean, The Caribbean And The Rio Grande In The Search Of Better Lives.

-Oppressive Regimes Have Engendered Migrations Streams Throughout History. For Example, More Than 125,000 Urban Have Left Their Country In 1980 On The “Mariel Boatlift” To Escape Communist Dictatorship. E.G. Vietnam’s Desperate Lifeboat People Fled By The Hundreds Of Thousands After Hanoi’s Communists Took Control Of Their Country. In 1972, Uganda’s Dictator Amin Expelled 50,000 Asians From His African Country.


-The Dreadful Conflict That Engulfed The Former Yugoslavia During The 1990s Drove As Many As 3 Million People From Their Homes, And Many Becomes Permanent Emigrants, Unable To Return To What Remain Of Their Adobes, During The 1980s, The Bitter War In Afghanistan Sent As Many As 6 Million People Across The Country’s Borders. In 1995, With Their Country Still In Disarray Most Of These Migrants Seemed To Be Compelled To Remain In Iran & Afghanistan.


-One Of The Historical Geography’s Major Examples Of Environmental Induced Migration Involved The Movement Of Hundreds Of Thousands Of Irish Citizens From The Ireland To The New World During The 1840s. Prolonged Excessive Rain Rotted The Country’s Potato Crops, Which Created Famine Environmental Crisis, Such As Major Earthquakes In California Is Followed By A Surge In Emigration. But Many Of The Emigrants Return, So That Further Outflow Generated By Such Crises Is Comparatively Small.

-People Who Are Uncertain That Their Cultures And Traditions Will Survive A Major Political Or Governmental Transition, And Who Are Able To Migrate To Perceived Safer Wavens, Will Often Do So. When British India Was Partitioned Into A Mainly Hindu India And An Almost Exclusively Muslim, Pakistan, Millions Of Muslim Residents Of India Migrated Across The Border To The Islamic State. South Africa’s Turbulent Political Transition during the Mid 1990s Impelled Many Whites to Emigrate to Australia, Europe And North-America.


-For Many Migrants, Emigrates Is No Longer The Difficult And Hazardous Journey It Is Used To Be. While Many Migrants Still Move By Simple And Sometimes Difficult Means, Million More Now Use Options Provided By Modern Transportation, More Secure Initial Relocations, And Moves Comfortable Habitation. Researchers Suggest That The Growing Availability Of Air-Conditioning Greatly Reduced The Return Migration From The Sunbelt To The North, Resulting In A Larger Not Flow Of Regional Migrants In The United States.


-News Today Travels Faster Than Ever, Including News Of Job Opportunities And Ways Reached Desire Destinations. Television, Radio And Telephone Have Stimulated Millions To Make The Immigration Decision By Relaying Information About Relatives, Families And Communities Already Established To Destinations Lands, Turks Quickly Heard About Germany’s Need For Labor, Algerians Knew Where To Go In France Miami’s “Little Haiti“ Become An Outpost Constant Touch With The Source.

can also ask me direct through Facebook : Kethy September 

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


The Lapse Rate

ELR Is The Decrease In Temperature With An Increase In High.
ELR Is 6.5C Per 1000m. (According To Air Conditions)
It Is Vary Due To Such Factors
Height, ELR Is Lower Near the Ground-Level; (Over Continental Areas; And Between Air Masses; Albedo Moisture).

When Water Vapor Raises, The Temperature Decreases, Air Is Much Cooler And The Ground Level Is Hotter. As The More Air Rises Cooler Sinks. During The Rainy Season/Lower in Winter Water Vapor Cannot Raises There Will Be No Air And the Wind Is Cooler.

Parcel Of Air Rises During The Day, As It Heats Up Land; The Air Is Evaporated, So Water Vapor Rises.
Decrease In Pressure – As The Hot Air Raises, Pressure Will Be Dropped.
Increasing Volume (Air) & Increases in Temperature Making It Cools.
Ground Layer Is Heated By Insolation Land, Plant Is Heated Up.
As Warm Air Rises By An Increasing Energy, They Give Out Heat, So The Warm Air Is Converted To Cool.
Ground Layer Trapped Heat, Then Evaporates, Creating Parcel Of Air And So, Pressure Force To Rise, And Goes Low As It Reach Higher Level.


When The Dry Air Is Not Saturated, the Humidity Is Low, Meaning Less Water Vapor
At 1000 M, The Temperature Decrease, The Warm Air Raising So, There Is Moisture At The Point Of Condensation. At The Point Of Condensation. As It Reaching Dew Point, The SALR Occurs.

It does not condenses
DALR contains latent heat, as so the heat is not release.
As the heat is not heated up, the air , day & temperature cools down at 0 DC
As more energy to rise, there will be dry air.
DALR is much cooler than SALR due to its less moisture.
At ground-level, the air is heated up and until it reaches at 500m, it condense.

100% RH
lots of moisture has to be released.
The air is saturated after it condenses.

How are the air changes to SALR?

As the air pass through the condensation level, the latent heat release and the temperature is dropped, so the air is cool at 3 DC, it saturated.

*DC (Degree Celsius).

DALR, As The Air Isn’t Condense, Latent Heat Is Not Release So, And The Higher The Parcel Of Air There Is Decrease In Temperature.
DALR Is Stay Unsaturated; It Force To Rise Or Warm Up At The Higher-Level, It Still Cool But, As If The Cooler Decrease To Its Lower Level It Will Be Warmer.
When The Parcel Of Air Rises, The Temperature Will Drop And The Energy Is Used Up, The Air Will Be Cooler.
As There Is No Heat To Be Release Due To Shortage Of Energy, The Air Started To Saturate. Warm Air Absorbs More Water Vapors/Moisture.
It Must Be Condensed Before Heat Release, If It Isn’t Condensed, There Will Be No Heat To Release.
DALR Decrease at the Lowest 9.8 DC.
If The Temperature Falls Below 0’c, The Air Is Cool, And As Called As Freezing Rate.


When Rising Parcel Of Unsaturated Air Cools More Rapidly Than The Surrounding Air.
The Higher In Temperature Forcing The Parcel Of Air To Rise. The Cooler It Gets, It Will Sinks Because It Is Heavy And It Has No Saturated Air And No Condensation: Meaning No Release Of Latent Heat, The Air Is Dry, No Warm Air At Higher Altitude And So Parcel Of Air Raises As DALR Of 9.8’C Per 1000m. By The Time As The Rising Air Has Reached 1000m, It Has Cooled To 10.2’C Leaving It Cooler And Denser Than The Surrounding Air Which Has Cooled To Only 14’C.
At The Right Side, Shows The Rising Of Parcel Air Which Is Cooler. At 1000m, The Rising Air Of DALR Is Colder Than ELR (High Of 1000m, Temperature Is Low). As If There Is Nothing To Force The Parcel Of Air E.G. Mountains Or Fronts, It Will Sinks Back To Its Starting Point. This Air Is Described As Stable Air Because There Is No Condensation, But Only Shallow Flat-Top Cumulus Cloud, No Rainfall, And The Cooler Air Has To Move Back And Cooler Air Sink During Dry Sunny Weather Condition.

ELR At The Right Side, Air Goes Up In Temperature So There Is Increase In Temperature And Giving Its Cooler. ELR Is 6’C, And Does Not Sink To Much.



Green Line Shows ELR (Surrounding Area) For E.G. In Hot Summer Day 11’c Per 1000m.
DALR Is Warmer Than ELR For About 1.2’C (Warmer Air Force To Rise)
SALR At 5’C Per 1000m Had Reached Condensation Level At 15.1’C (Decrease In Temperature), The Air Is Cooler And It Release Latent Heat At 100% Of Relative Humidity.
As Dew Point Has Reached, The Cumulonimbus Cloud Is Formed At Instability Conditions.(500m Condensation Level)
Red Line Shows DALR, The Air Are Coming From The Ground, Bringing Warmer Air Reaching The Higher Latitude At 1000m, Giving It Cooler Air. DALR Is Still Rising As There Is Yet No Condensation. As The Dew Point Reached At 1000m, Temperature Started To Decrease.
ELR Always Present, When ELR Is Higher, Temperature Became Decrease.
From 20 Is Decrease To Its Final Temperature, Meaning The Air Is Become Cooler As It Temperature Decreases.
The Left Side Is Much Cooler Than The Right Side.


At The Ground Level, The Temperature Is High About 20’C DALR (Warm Water Is Rising), As It Goes Up The Temperature Become Lower, DALR Is Cooler, ELR Is Unstable And No SALR Yet. Both DALR & ELR Are Cooler Especially At Higher Latitude, Where The Temperature Drops.
Since There Is Not Enough Air Moisture To Condense, No DALR, So It Is Saturated. DALR Has Moved To Right Side.
SALR Is Warmer Due To The Release Of Latent Heat. For Example In Britain. After Condensation Taking Place, There Will Be Cloudy Conditions And Heavy (Shallow)
DALR Is Cooler Than ELR (Stable Air)
Left DALR Is Constant At Right Much Cooler Than Surrounding Air And So, The Air Is Forced To Rise At Condensation Level, But There Is Still No SALR Yet, Temperature Decrease And ELR Also, It Is Cooler Than Before.
At 7.5’C, Condensation Taking Places, SALR Has Occurred. There Is A Change ELR Moved To The Left (Cooler) And SALR Is Warmer, So The Air Is Unstable. 


The Hydrological Cycle

This describes the process whereby water in its various forms is continually cycled between the land, sea and atmosphere. It also makes its way into the biosphere to influence animal and plant ecosystems around the globe.
This is a common approach in geography and the two main examples in this topic are:
The hydrological cycle: a closed system.
The drainage basin system: an open system.
Both consist of transfers, stores, inputs of water but the hydrological cycle is a closed system as no gains or losses from outside are added to the system.
The drainage basin system is said to be open as both inputs and outputs of energy and material occur. All systems in their natural state aim to be in a state of balance (dynamic equilibrium) as this is when they function best. Heavy rainfall, drought and human activity such as deforestation can easily upset the balance.
Within the hydrological cycle, four main processes operate:
1. Interception
This is when plants prevent some rainfall from directly reaching the ground, for example, water on leaves or foliage. It may later reach the floor via stem flow (water flows down the stem to the ground) or through-fall, where water drips to the ground. Secondary interception occurs at ground level where water hits undergrowth. Some water returns to the atmosphere via evapotranspiration.
2. Evapotranspiration
Water lost from vegetation via both evaporation and transpiration. Click on the boxes below to reveal definitions of both terms:
Potential Evapotranspiration:
The amount of water that could be lost by evapotranspiration. For example, this is potentially high in deserts, but the amount that can take place is limited due to the minimal moisture available. Actual evapotranspiration is what actually occurs. In the UK there is more water available for evapotranspiration than takes place.
3. Infiltration
Where water slowly soaks into the soil from the ground. The maximum rate at which this can occur is known asinfiltration capacity (mm/hour) and it is dependent on the amount of water already present in soil structure and vegetation.
4. Precipitation
The most important input into the system forms includes snow, hail, rain, and fog.
Water in the soil does not remain there but moves down slowly into the lower layers of soil and rock. It creates groundwater storage found in rocks and this may later be moved sideways through the rock via groundwater flow.
Water flows through the hydrological cycle in various ways:
Throughflow: where water moves downwards through layers of soil.
Channel flow: downhill movement of water in rivers.
Groundwater flow: Lateral movement of water from the water table.

Drainage basins

The drainage basin - as stated earlier - is an example of an open system, and many of the terms above are central to it. Below is a flow diagram of the drainage basin system:
Drainage basin system
All rivers receive a water supply and the area of land this comes from is known as a drainage basin. The boundaries of the basin are known as the watershed and will usually be marked by areas of higher land.
Drainage basin
Drainage basins have many different characteristics that influence how quickly or slowly the main river within them responds to a period of intense rainfall, these are outlined in more detail in the section relating to storm hydrographs.
Land is drained by rivers in a variety of ways these are exhibited as drainage patterns.
This is shown in the diagram below:
Drainage patterns
This relates to the number of streams in a particular drainage basin and can be measured by dividing total length of all streams in a basin (L) by its area (A). As a rule, the higher the drainage density (D) the more quickly water drains to a river.
D = total L/A
Characteristics of high and low-density drainage basins:
High density (+2km per km2)Impermeable land surface, steep slopes, limited vegetation cover, limited rainfall, gentle slopes, large channel frequency (tributaries).
Low density (-2km per km)Permeable rock, for example, chalk, much vegetation cover, limited rainfall, gentle sloes, lower channel frequency.
Drainage density

Storm hydrographs and river discharge

Storm hydrographs are graphs that show how a drainage basin responds to a period of rainfall. They are useful in planning for flood situations and times of drought as they show the discharge (amount of water reaching channel via surface run-off, throughflow, and base flow) that originated as precipitation.
A great deal of information can be gleaned from a hydrograph and the interpretation of them is often tested in exam questions. The diagram below shows the main points:
Drainage basins all have a variety of characteristics in terms of vegetation, geology, soil type and so on, all of which interact to influence how quickly or slowly river discharge increases after a storm. The table below outlines the major influences on hydrographs and drainage basins:
ASize of basin, shape and reliefSize - the smaller the basin the less time it takes for water to drain to the river, resulting in a shorter lag time. Shape - the shape of basin that lends itself to most rapid drainage is circular. In a long, narrow basin water takes longer to reach the river. Relief - the steeper the basin the more quickly it drains.
BForms of precipitationHeavy Storms - in such a situation, rainfall is often far in excess of the infiltration capacity of the soil leading to much overland flow, and rapid rises in river levels. Lengthy rainfall - leads to the ground being saturated and overland flow. Snowfall - until snow melts, potential discharge for a river is held in storage. Rapid melting can lead to flooding.
CTemperatureHigh rates of evapotranspiration reduce amounts of discharge, and low temperatures can store water in the form of ice and snow.
DLand UseVegetation - Important in reducing discharge as it intercepts precipitation and adds to rates of evapotranspiration. Roots of plants take up water reducing throughflow. Interception is less in winter in the UK due the shedding of leaves from deciduous trees. Flooding is more likely in deforested areas.
EGeologyRock type varies within drainage basins and can be permeable (allowing water through) orimpermeable (not allowing water through). Permeable rocks can be porous such as chalk that store water within them or pervious, such as limestone where water flows along bedding plains. Impermeable rocks encourage grater amounts of surface run-off and a more rapid increase in discharge than permeable rocks.
FSoilA control on the rate of infiltration, amount of soil moisture storage and rate of throughflow. Larger pore spaces as found in sand, allow for greater water storage and limit the risk of flooding.
GDrainage densityAs stated earlier, the higher the density the greater the risk of flooding.
HTides and stormsHigh spring tides (illustrated by the Severn Bore) prevent water from entering the sea and increase the risk of flooding.
IUrbanisationA major impact because of its alteration on the hydrological process. The main affects are shown on the diagram below. Click on the magnifying glass to see the graph in more detail.

The water balance
This is the balance between inputs into a drainage basin and outputs. It is important for understanding the processes operating in a drainage basin and water balances throughout the year.
It is expressed as follows:
P = Q + E (+/- change in storage)
P = precipitation
Q = run-off
E = evapotranspiration
The diagram below illustrates the main features of the water balance:
Here are some questions and answers that will help you to learn to read the graph accurately:
In which months is there a water surplus?
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, Nov, Dec.
Why is there soil moisture recharge in October?
Due to the excess of evapotranspiration over precipitation in May - Sept.
When is field capacity attained?
Why is a water deficit not shown on the graph?
Precipitation always far exceeds evapotranspiration.
Soil moisture
Surplus: If precipitation exceeds evapotranspiration and the excess is not been used by plants.
Deficiency: Evapotranspiration exceeds precipitation.
Recharge: Replacement of water lost during drier periods.
Field capacity
The maximum amount of water soil can hold.
A water surplus can result in wet soils, high river levels and run-off whereas a deficit leads to dry soil, falling river levels and possibly drought. Management is shown in the example at the end of this topic.
Water Deficit
Evapotranspiration is in excess of precipitation and any previously available moisture has been used, in soil moisture utilisation.
The regime of a river is expected to have a seasonal pattern of discharge during the year. This is due to factors such as climate, local geology and human interaction. Equatorial rivers have regular regimes but in the UK where seasons exist one or two peaks may be recognisable.
These show times of high water levels followed by lower levels. They exist as a result of a glacier melt, Snowmelt, or seasonal rainfalls such as monsoons.
If a river has more than one period of high water levels and/or low water levels, a more complex regime results. It is more common on large rivers that flow through a variety of relief and receive their water supply from large tributaries, for example, The Rhine.
A river has two main functions: one, to transport water and two, to transport sediment. The type of flow that occurs depends on factors such as gradient, volume of water, channel shape, and friction.
There are two types of flow:
Laminar Flow: This rarely occurs, water flows smoothly in a straight channel. It is most common in the lower parts of a river. It is shown in the diagram below:
Turbulent flow: This is far more common, it occurs where the shape of the rivers channel is varied with pools, meanders, and rapids. A great deal of turbulence results in sediment being disturbed. The greater the velocity the larger the quantity and size of particles that can be transported. Turbulent flow is illustrated in the diagram below:


It is often thought that the velocity of a river is greatest near its start. This is not the case, as large angular boulders create a rough channel shape and therefore, a large amount of its bed friction. This creates more resistance to flow than a river with smooth clays and silt forming its banks. The roughness coefficient is measured using Manning's 'n', which shows the relationship between channel roughness and velocity. The equation is as follows:
Copyright S-cool
v = velocity
R = hydraulic radius
S = slope
n = roughness
A high-value indicates a rough bed.
The efficiency of a rivers channel is measured by finding its Hydraulic radius. It is the ratio between the length of wetted perimeter and cross section of a river channel.
Wetted perimeter: the entire length of the riverbed bank and sides in contact with water.
The examples below show the difference between an efficient river channel and an inefficient river channel:
Cross-section area:Wetted perimeters:Hydraulic radius:
Stream A = 400m2Stream A = 18mStream A 40 / 18 = 2.22m
Stream B = 40m2Stream B = 24mStream B 40 /24 = 1.66m
Channel slope
Steeper gradients usually lead to greater velocities, because of the influence of gravity.

The long profile

The characteristics of a river and its valley found in this course include vertical erosion, lakes, waterfalls, potholes, rapids and gorges. Overland flow is found in depressions making lakes. Eventually, the channel gets deeper and waterfalls become rapids.
Characteristics include, lateral erosion, transportation, floodplain, meanders, truncated spurs, and river cliffs. The gradient of the river is increasingly even and smooth, and the flood plain begins to develop.
Here, transportation and deposition are found. The channel is large and features such as Deltas, levees, bluffs and meanders are found. The flood plain increases in size as meanders migrate downstream.
...............................................................THE END................................................................................